Saturday, July 27, 2013

Confession time. I am an airsoft junkie. Yep, it's true; I just love airsoft. I think about it, I research it, I talk about it - oh and I play it too. In fact, I can disappear into my room for hours on end just working on my own personal collection. But there comes a point when all the information and passion you have for your hobby builds up to such a point that you really need to get it out - hence the creation of this blog. Hopefully my scrawling, ranting and general hubbubalo (wait, is that a word?) will be helpful to my fellow airsoft junkies and help to rouse the inactive "chairsofters" out of their TV induced coma.

So, to start off this blog, lets confront some misconceptions about airsoft:

#1: "Airsoft is for geeks, nerds and losers who don't own real firearms."
Actually, no. There are plenty of airsoft players who do own and shoot real firearms. In fact, many military and law enforcement personnel are drawn to the game because of its realism. Airsoft is for those who want to be able to shoot each other legally and without causing major physical harm. In other words it is "safe" war.

#2: "Airsoft is DANGEROUS!"
Like any sport, yes, it has potential hazards - but nothing that common sense and caution can't remedy.

#3"Airsoft is expensive."
The truth is, airsoft is as expensive as you want to make it. If you are just starting out, be prepared to put out about $200 for a decent AEG (Auto Electric Gun), face protection and ammo. It can be done for less depending on your wants. Compared to paintball, airsoft is much cheaper just because you don't need as much protective gear and your ammo costs are much lower.

There are probably more misconceptions out there, but these are most likely the biggest three. 

Okay, well I think I have run out of things to say for my first post =) I welcome comments and suggestions for future posts. Thanks for reading!

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